Friday, April 25, 2008


Got my test back today from Wednesday; got a B+ on it! For not studying, that is pretty much teh shizz, I tell ya.

This weekend is going to be interesting, though. I realized today that I have a lot of things to do before next week if I want to get in all my info on time for study abroad. It's hard when you are dealing with depression amongst other things to remember the little stuff, but I'm sure I will get it done; I always do, somehow. ;)

Anywho, someone send me a shout out! Let me know you're reading these things. Also, if anyone wants to discuss a Legend of Zelda fanfic with me, I have the basic idea, but I need to discuss with some people before I can write some more on it. So talk with me, please!

I'll try to post some works and stuff here soon...although I still prefer deviantArt for that...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the test score. That's awesome! And I'm sorry you're dealing with depression, but I also believe you'll make it through. You need to keep me up to date on your study abroad details.

Peace, love, dope!

.crash// said...

I read thems!

And as for the study abroad stuff, I think Tom Petty said it best;

David Dukart said...

If Tom Petty said something, I can't read it...

.crash// said...

Tom Petty said a lot of things. I just didn't think I had to actually type it out, so I didn't.

.crash// said...


.crash// said...

Sam from Sam and Fuzzy? Blog it!