Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The sun is a mass of...something or other.

Oh lookie, I'm blogging again! Huzzah!

So my mood has increased ten-fold. "How?" you might ask. "Easy!" I might say. "With the power of Sunny-D...without the D!" Seriously, though, the sun is a wonder I should really get reacquaint myself with. If I feel like playing a video game, I should pack up my DS and go to the nearest grassy knoll, sit my behind down, and get sun AND gaming done! Two birds, one ray of light!

I've also forgotten how nice it is to read outside. Oh, what a joy that is. But this makes me think: maybe my town of choice shouldn't be one that is infamous for its excessive falling water condensation.


Took my Chinese test today. I totally didn't study for it, so I probably did pretty badly (but better than you'd think, considering how little I studied), but eh. I don't care. I'll do better for the next one. I had no motivation to do anything for it, no matter how hard I tried, so I let it slide. Que sera sera, or however you spell that; "What will be, will be." That's the philosophy I've been living by recently, and it's easing the stress quite well.

I'm sure I'll have more to say. Wednesdays are usually my busiest days, and today's no exception...except (ha, how fun it is to say that!) tomorrow I don't have to do anything. Well, I do, but it's not for classes, which, again, eases the amount of pressure on me. I might actually be able to get a shower in here somewhere as well; that'd be nice.

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