Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today was a good day

It really, truely was an excellent day.  Despite drinking last night, I woke up with almost no hangover this morning.  I also got a good night sleep, something I've been lacking a lot recently.  I relaxed at home until I went out later.

Why did I go out later?  Because I had to dress up as the Joker.  OBVIOUSLY.

Okay, sarcasm aside, I did actually dress up as the Joker to help promote the Dark Knight's return to IMAX.  Dressing up like this is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and I finally had the resources and time to do it.  Plus, I got PAID to do it.  It would have been a bit more fun if it hadn't been strictly for advertising...but that's where the future comes in, no?

Quick pic of it

After doing that for a couple of hours, walking up and down downtown and Capitol Hill, I returned home, got all washed up...and went to Video Games Live! with Coran.

HOLY HANNA!  I've been waiting for this concert for FOUR years, people.  FOUR YEARS.  I heard about it right after it left Seattle, and when I chose Seattle U, I thought for sure that it was going to return soon.  I was so very, very, very wrong...very wrong.  You have to understand this about me: I love video game music.  I've been an advocate for it since I was a young child.  This is an event where I am around other people who think the same as me.  I get to listen to an ORCHESTRA play MY kind of music for two hours.  This event was quite possibly made for me.  And it did not disappoint.  It was AMAZING.  My ONLY complaint is that there was no Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross music.  To make up for that, though, they premired their Metroid set, had tons of Final Fantasy music, and, oh yeah, that guy who did the Mario songs blindfolded?  Yeah, he was there on stage as well.  Even more exciting: they said at the end, very quickly, "See you next year!"  Next year?  NEXT YEAR?!  YEEEEE-HAAAAAW!!

Then I came home and played Skies of Arcadia. a many splendored thing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So here's life...trying to write a blog again.

It's so strange that this is more difficult to write in America than to write in China.  I suppose part of it has to do with that "awww, but it's not EXOTIC" thing that we all do.  Also, when you do things that don't seem out of the ordinary, then it doesn't occur to you to write them.  At least, that's my case.

Regardless!  Here's some news for those of you interested.

-I've just dyed my bangs.  It looks very interesting.  I like it so far, but we'll see how everything turns out in the long run.

-I'm working at the IMAX again.  Pretty good, really.  Met the new workers, and most of them are pretty chill.  And hey, I like the job.

-Classes are going well.  One class a day seems to work really well for me.  And I don't mind the longer classes sessions...well, for the most part.

-Oh my goodness, NEW COMPUTER.  I love this thing so very much.  The screen is beautiful, the hard drive is huge, and it just makes me happy.

Um, that's really all for now.  I'll try to get back into the swing of things with this as soon as I can.
